West Point Carpool Procedures
Morning Arrival
Auto Drop Off
- For an auto drop off, use the auto lane, which goes in front of the school, around the east side of the campus, and to a drop off at the back doors of the school
- Student temperatures will be checked while students are still in vehicles, so please wait until a staff member or volunteer does a symptom check and checks your child’s temperature before releasing your child from your vehicle
Pedestrian Arrival
- Students who walk to school will enter the school through the back doors for grades 1-6.
- Kindergarten students can enter the kindergarten playground area then their classroom directly
- Students walking to school should be taught to use caution when approaching the school, as there will be increased traffic in and around the school; as staffing and volunteering permit, we will have someone posted at the sidewalk where auto traffic dismisses to help students cross the auto lane safely
Bike Riding
- Students riding bicycles to school must dismount and walk the bike while on campus
- A bike rack is provided as a courtesy and is located behind the school
- Students are responsible for the security of their own bikes

There are three options for afternoon dismissal:
1. Walk home
- Students with a verified address within one mile can walk home starting at 2:30
- Parents assume all risk of having their child walk home, so please only select this option if you are confident in your child’s ability to walk home safely
- Use designated crosswalks; do not cut across the parking lot or the pick-up lane
2. Auto pick up
- After registration you will receive an email with your “carpool” number
- Write/print this number on a piece of bright colored paper with large letters that can easily be read from three car lengths away
- Post this sign in the passenger side window or windshield (standing up)
- Like the morning drop-off, follow the auto lane around the school
- A staff member or volunteer will enter this number into our system as you pull into the the school property
- The name of each child associated with this number will appear on the screen in his/her classroom
- Please stress to your student that he/she needs to exit the building quickly when his/her name appears on the screen
- Children with their names on the screen will walk to the back doors of the school where they enter in the morning
- If you reach the front of the line and your student has not made it to the car, you will be asked to circle around to the back of the carpool line so we can keep the line moving
3. Kindergarten Walking Pick-Up
- Parents can have their kindergartners follow the above two options or pick them up directly from the kindergarten classrooms using the outside doors to the kindergarten playground area
- Parents can walk from the nearby neighborhood or park in the parking lot in front of the school
- If you have a kindergartner with siblings in other grade levels, there are two options
- Option 1 – If you walk from the neighborhood, your other children can leave their classroom at 2:30 as a walker and meet you at the kindergarten pick up area
- Option 2 – If you park in the parking lot, have your carpool number entered first before you park and direct your other children to exit out the back doors and meet you at the kindergarten pick up area
- Parents can also communicate with the kindergarten teacher if they would like their child to be released to an older sibling without an adult present