
Computer Science

Every student in every grade level works toward mastery of computer science standards, from basic skills to robotics, from digital literacy to coding.

Be on the lookout for the Hour of Code:

Every year, the school hosts an evening Hour of Code event for families to come experience for themselves some of the computational thinking exercises our students complete and see some of the computer programming projects students have completed.

In grades K-4, in addition to basic skills such as typing, students learn fundamentals of block-based coding and computational thinking. As students progress through upper elementary and middle school, they learn more complex coding languages and applications.

As much as possible, students put these skills to use to demonstrate their learning in the rich Core Knowledge that makes our curriculum so engaging.

See our middle school students’ original work in action:

Scan with your phone to view our HTML & CSS Website Projects!:

QR code for Students' website "Things to do in Paris"

7th grade Students’ website “Things to do in Paris”

QR code for "Basketball Shooting Tips" student website

7th Grade Students’ website “Basketball Shooting Tips”